Sunday, 25 January 2015

Paris Slowing Returning to normal?

SCHOOLS in the Paris region and in Picardy have been allowed to organise educational trips again, following a temporary ban imposed following the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

The education ministry says trips can now resume at schools in the affected zones: Paris, Versailles, Créteil and Amiens. -

However, not all is back to normal in Paris: it is reported that the reinforced anti-terror measures in Paris have had an unexpected impact on parking and traffic fines.

New rules mean traffic police on the streets of the French capital must wear a bullet-proof vest, and these are in short supply, pending the delivery of a new order made on January 8.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Wacky Goat Videos!!

Is this a wacky world or not? Can you believe it but goat videos are going viral!

Today the Wall Street Journal features the top 5 Goat Videos - go here

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Top 10 tips for a healthy low-carb diet

1. Choose uncured and unprocessed meats without sodium nitrite.
2. When it comes to dairy, always choose organic.
3. Consider fermented foods.
4. Don’t limit salt.
5. Use safe sweeteners.
6. Choose organic vegetables and fruits.
7. Minimize exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA).
8. Avoid soft drinks and carbonated beverages.
9. Avoid hydrogenated fats.
10. Minimize exposure to high-temperature cooking.

More here

Monday, 5 January 2015

Weird but Funny Quote

“I only sing in the shower. I would join a choir, but I don’t think my bathtub can hold that many people.
― Jarod Kintz, Who Moved My Choose?: An Amazing Way to Deal With Change by Deciding to Let Indecision Into Your Life

Get Behind in the New Year

The Mirror reports: Body conscious beach-goers are spending a whopping $500 on a new treatment that promises to enhance their bums.

The treatment, dubbed the 'butt facial' is the new beauty craze to come out of the Big Apple.

The costly 40 minute procedure uses lasers, chemical peels and moisturizers to tone and smooth the skin.